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The chants and the toques de batá for the dead performed by the Raíces Ensemble and guest artists in the Festival for the Dead are taken from the Lucumí/Ocha liturgy of Cuba.

Trying to make a buck at the market.

Conference attendee and supporter Kelly Archbold with Doña Ana Rodríguez, one of the panelists from the "Panel de testigos oculares y descendientes de la bomba antigua" (Panel of eyewitnesses and descendants of historic bomba from the early 20th…

Interns from The Okeanos Foundation construct the sea vaka model that would go on early display in the 431 Greenhouse Galleries during the Water Is Life exhibit series.

Masikandoro becoming popular as word got around

A bed of arugula growing in a raised bed at Plenitud PR.

Painting by artist Amy Garas created for the Lembranças: A Recollection solo art exhibit.

Original painting with mixed media by artist Amy Garas.

Paintings, statues, masks and sculptures in Samuel Lind’s home art studio. Every wall, corner and surface of the studio has art and artifacts on display.

Flyer for spring 2011 series of Arts and Family Day Programs.

After learning about the history of the vejigantes, families who participated in this Arts and Family Day event worked together on vejigante based crafts.

After hearing stories about Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico and making their own vejigante masks, participants colored vejigante costumes and masks and later put their artwork on display at the Raíces studio.

Participants in this Arts and Family Day event had the opportunity to paint and take home their own miniature vejigante masks.

Flyer for the March 2011 Arts and Family Day Program: Lembranças/Recollections.

Meet the artist Amy Garas as you explore her solo exhibit "Lembrancas: A Recollection". Participate in creating art with your children and families…

At this Arts and Family Day event, participants got to learn about and meet los vejigantes de Puerto Rico in an interactive presentation and performance.

Flyer for the February 2011 Arts and Family Day Program: Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico.

Raíces Cultural Center hosts monthly Family Arts Days with:
-Family Arts and Crafts
-Cultural Displays
-Slideshows and…

Raíces Co-Director Francisco G. Gómez explaining the instruments used in the music of bomba and plena, which is the music most closely related to the tradition of the vejigantes.

Family participants in the vejigantes Arts and Family Day event got to try the instruments of bomba and plena and learn how to play a simple bomba rhythm together.

For the Lembranças solo exhibit, artist Amy Garas explored themes and traditions reflecting her own cultural background from her mother's side of the family, Brazil.

Lisa Bagwell dialoguing with attendees of her EcoArt Exhibit during the artist talk section of the event. Visitors were impressed by the bridging of visual arts and ecology and expressed wonder at the amount of plastic and refuse one person could…

“Assemblage artist” Lisa Bagwell gives an artist talk at her October 15, 2016 solo art exhibit at Ruthie’s Bagel Dish. During the artist talk, Lisa spoke about her process of collecting trash, almost entirely from cleanups and donations from friends…
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