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Raíces director Francisco G. Gómez, program coordinator Nicole Wines and volunteer Christina Proxenos with the VISIONS group and some of the Plenitud PR crew during our visit in January 2018.

Raíces director Francisco G. Gómez, program coordinator Nicole Wines and volunteer Christina Proxenos with Plenitud PR resident and crew member Carson Ingley.

A building collapsed on a car, still on the street in January 2018, almost 4 months after Hurricane María devastated the island of Puerto Rico.

The devastation left by Hurricane María was still evident almost 4 months after the storm had passed.

Handmade organic soaps were donated by Rivka Greenburg, a supporter of the Raíces Disaster Relief Fund. Rivka was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and is a resident of Raíces Cultural Center’s home community in Central NJ.

Creator and leader of the PR Resilience Fund initiative Tara Rodriguez Besosa receiving donations brought to Puerto Rico from members of our home community in Central NJ by the Raíces Cultural Center crew. Included in the list of supplies requested…

Volunteer and San Juan resident Rahnawn Littles sorting a set of seeds from Hudson Valley Seed Library for donation to school gardens, organic farms and agroecology projects, community gardens, and home growers throughout the island of Puerto Rico.

Some of the seed donations that came to the PR Resilience Fund were in bulk packages and had to be sorted, separated into smaller envelopes and labeled. Volunteers from all over the world worked for five days to get the seeds sorted and ready for…

After the Seed Brigade work party ended, local resident Steve Maldonado Silvestrini gave a talk and tour about local edibles and community gardens.

In a one block stroll Steve Maldonado Silvestrini was able to identify several species of edible and medicinal wild plants growing wild in the neighborhood.

After a day of sorting seeds at the PR Resiliency Fund’s Seed Brigade, most of the volunteers stuck around and were eager to learn about local edible and medicinal wild plants and visit nearby community gardens.

Plaza Vivero garden sign. Brigada PDT is the group that created and maintains this urban community garden.

Sign outside of the Plaza Vivero community garden with the slogan “Aquí vive gente” or “People live here”.

A neighbor stops by during the garden tour of Plaza Vivero, which is being cultivated on an abandoned property using the materials found on the site.

Cultivated section of Plaza Vivero, a community garden that was established on an abandoned property that had been further damaged by Hurricane María. Materials found on the site are integrated into the garden design.

Maculelê is an Afro-Brazilian art form that is part of the practice of capoeira. Maculelê can be practiced with either machetes or sticks, which when struck together become a part of the rhythm and music.

Raíces Cultural Center BOD chair, Angela Lugo, and Raíces Director and co-founder, Francisco G. Gómez gave a warm welcome and introduction to Mestre Zumbi and Grupo Senzala to kick off the 2018 Raíces Roots Music Concert Series.

Hand frame drum used in capoeira and other Brazilian music forms. Pandeiros generally have a wooden rim with metal disks like a tambourine and a natural skin head.

Hand drums are found across cultures in myriad genres of folkloric music from around the world. These Brazilian hand drums are called pandeiros

Mestre Zumbi opens the Grupo Senzala performance in the 2018 Raíces Roots Music Concert Series.
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