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Raíces Co-Director Francisco G. Gómez holds finished bee box base board. Base board is made of white pine and plywood.

Constructing sides of base board for a bee box. A wood router is used to bore out grooves on white pine pieces to later insert plywood base board.

Bee box ready to house bees after a honeybee rescue by Carlos Chaparro, one of the owners of Tainasoy Apiario.

The beauty of Masikandoro from roof top

The beauty from the rock

The beautiful trees

The beautiful skies and vegitation

Photo sent to Raíces Crew Members by the Seed Huntress, Sefra Alexander upon visiting Don Luis Soto at Finca Mi Casa on her hunt to preserve seed and exchange knowledge of seed saving. This was a patch of bean seeds planted by Don Luis sand Raíces…

Don Luis Soto of Finca Mi Casa showing us some of the first seeds ready for saving have been planted immediately after the passing of Hurricane Maria.

Batteries charged by solar panels on the roof of the building. These power the first solar powered radio transmitter on the island of Puerto Rico, which broadcasts Radio Casa Pueblo in Adjuntas and parts of Utuado, Puerto Rico

The concrete slab foundation was all that remained of the Artesanía Castor Ayala after Hurricane María. The Artesanía, or artisan shop, was rebuilt in March 2018.

Cavalo, a member of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, singing in the batería during one of Professora Amazonas’ classes.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira practice the rhythms and songs of the batería before training and playing capoeira.

Pandeiro is one of the instruments used in the batería of capoeira. Like the other instruments used in the batería, the pandeiro is also of African origin.

In Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, all students learn, study and play the musical instruments featured in the variety of forms taught and practiced in classes and training.

The berimbau is an African instrument that leads the batería in capoeira. It is considered a percussion instrument and consists of a wooden bow called verga (made from the wood of the beriba tree), a single metal string called arame, a hollow gourd…

The agogô is a set of bells used in the batería of capoeira and throughout the African diaspora.
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