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A variety of disposable plastics were collected during the river cleanp portion of the Our Plastic Waters program and then later used to create eco-art meant to bring awareness to the problem of pollution in the waterways.

There was no shortage of plastic pollution to be collected during the Our Plastic Waters river clean up and eco-art workshop.

Plastic pollution in a section of woods along the Raritan River waterfront, collected by volunteers during the Our Plastic Waters clean up and eco-art workshop.

The volunteer pictured here spent almost an hour cleaning this small section of stream that empties into the Raritan River.

Plastic bottles were strewn throughout all of the wooded areas along the Raritan River waterfront section volunteers worked to clean up during the Our Plastic Waters eco-art workshop.

Plastic bag caught in a bush along the Raritan River waterfront, collected by volunteers during the Our Plastic Waters clean up and eco-art workshop.

Sign displayed in the door of a local store in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, explaining the law establishing the island wide ban of plastic bags for use by commercial businesses and why the ban is important to help protect and restore the ocean.

The plants taking shape at the View.

Raíces Cultural Center Director Francisco G. Gómez planting bean seeds at Finca Mi Casa. The earth was prepared for planting by hand and the seeds will be grown out to be saved and shared.

Flyer for the North Plainfield Farmer’s Market where the Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble will perform traditional folkloric music, song and dance from the Caribbean, as well as discuss the intersections of culture, food and sustainability.

Pizza made out of corks and plastic waste by artist Lisa Bagwell at the Our Plastic Waters exhibit during the Water Is Life exhibit series. All of Lisa's sculptures are made out of recycled waste, the majority being single-use disposable plastic.

Plastic pizza made from plastic refuse and wine corks.

Piquetes, or picoteos, are movements made by the bomba dancer before the drum. These movements challenge the drummer who must respond to the piquetes with the sounds of the drum, matching the pattern being played to the movements made by the dancer.

Bomba dancer execuing picoteos, or piquetes, before the lead drum. The motion of the skirts add to the grace, style and movement of the bomba dance.

Photo submissions on display for the Water Is Life exhibit series group art show opening reception.

A selection of the photography submissions that were on display as part of the Water Is Life exhibit series group art show.

Petronella and Mai Shumba

Plenitud PR is an organic farm based on permaculture principles and techniques. Through a variety of growing and sustainability practices, including creating a food forest, rainwater harvesting, greenhouse production, terraced farming, raised beds,…

Hands-on experience is the best teacher when learning about organic agriculture, permaculture and agroecology. Some of the seedlings being planted on this slope will produce food, while others will set deep roots to preserve soil stability and…

Permaculture planting principles promote biodiversity of plants and animals in order to nourish and support the regeneration and building of the soil instead of the depletion and erosion of soil that happens in monocropped, industrial agriculture…

George Heibel defining permaculture in his community seminar "Reflections on Advanced Agriculture Techniques in Guatemala". In his experience, ancient local knowledge was even more advanced than the imported concept of permaculture.
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