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Capoeira is an afro-Brazilian martial art developed in Brazil in the 16th Century. Capoeira is now practiced throughout the world, in schools led by mestres. Capoeiristas of all cultures are invited to learn, participate and be a part of capoeira…

Adults class led by Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira explains how negativa saved her life.

Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira practicing the rhythms of capoeira on the agogô, pandeiro, and conga.

Professora Amazonas giving instruction to the students in her adult capoeira class.

Professora Amazonas instructing members of her adult class training sessions.

"Liberdade" means freedom. Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira collaborates with and travels to support other capoeira groups, demonstrating the freedom of cultural and artistic exchange.

Mestre Zumbi of Capoeira Senzala invites students and youth capoeiristas to the stage to share about their own experiences with capoeira.

Practicing capoeira movements in lines before one-on-one training and playing in the adult Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira class taught by Professora Amazonas

Professora Amazonas demonstrating the capoeira movement negativa in her adult’s class.

Professora Amazonas instructing students in her adult class on the form of a sequence of capoeira movements.

Drummers performing with Capoeira Senzala in July 2018 at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series in Highland Park, NJ

Members of Capoeira Senzala perform the dance and music of the Afro-Brazilian Maculelê tradition at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018 in Highland Park, NJ. The sticks are struck together in rhythm with the drums.

Capoeira Senzala demonstrates the evolution of the samba tradition by adding the element theatrical narrative to their presentation of samba dance, rhythms and songs at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series in July 2018.

Professora Amazonas demonstrates a sequence of movements for the students in her adult class.

Professora Amazonas (Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira) and Instrutora Cuica (Capoeira Mandinga) demonstrate the historic capoeira sequence created by Mestre Bimba. Mestre Bimba is the founder capoeira regional, and persevered in the fight to legalize…

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira practice sequences of movements learned during class.

Students in Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira training during Professora Amazonas’ children’s class. The students pictured here are siblings. Training as a family is encouraged in Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira.

Students in Professora Amazonas’ adult’s class learn and practice sequences of movements that will be used when playing capoeira.

Members of Grupo Capoeira de Liberdade have the opportunity to train one-on-one with Professora Amazonas during her classes in Vauxhall, NJ.

Professora Amazonas demonstrating a movement to students in her adult class.

Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira during a capoeira class in Vauxhall, NJ.
The Emerging Artists Group exhibit was organized by local artist Elaine Morales, who also brought members of the capoeira school she belongs to, Grupo Senzala. The group did a capoeira demonstration among the artwork of local art students.
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