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  • Tags: Capoeira

The dobrão is a thick stone or coin used to play the berimbau. It is used to change the tension on the arame or string, in order to change the pitch and quality of the sound being played. The dobrão can also be called pedra (stone) or moeda (coin).

Capoeira Senzala members Sapulha Senzala and Levi Cacique de Ramos Guerrero choreographed a narrative samba dance dramatizing a fight and stabbing.

Professora Amazonas working one-on-one with a young student, preparing to spot him on a handstand.

Professora Amazonas sharing and practicing the songs of capoeira with her adult classes.

Professora Amazonas foretelling the closing of the roda through song.

Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira sharing songs of capoeira with Raíces Director Francisco G. Gómez.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira practice the songs of capoeira.

Mestre Zumbi and Francisco G. Gómez exchange words and gestures of affection and gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate on sharing the cultural traditions of capoeira from Brazil at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018.

Capoeira is more than a martial art or dance, it is a community and way of life that builds character and guides its practitioners with a set of values. Students are requested to share what they have learned with the community.

Sapulha Senzala of Capoeira Senzala playing pandeiro during the Maculelê segment of the group’s performance in the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series in July 2018.

Capoeira Senzala’s Mestre Zumbi introduced all forms of dance, music and song presenting in their concert as variations of capoeira, as they come from the same roots and share similar elements, such as samba dance in a circle, or roda, like in…

Capoeira Senzala performs the samba tradition at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018, adding the element of theatrical narrative to their performance.

Before playing in the roda, capoeiristas salute before the drum. Similar salutes are found in drumming traditions throughout the African diazora.

Professora Amazonas (Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira) and Instrutora Cuica (Capoeira Mandinga) demonstrate the rhythms played in the batería of capoeira at the March 8, 2020 “Celebrating Women in World Music” event.
Students from Professora Amazonas' children's class participate in the 2019 Halloween roda. These rodas are held on the first Friday of every month and are often themed for celebrations like holidays and birthdays. At these rodas, students have a…
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