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Raíces Co-Director Francisco G. Gómez holds finished bee box base board. Base board is made of white pine and plywood.

Constructing sides of base board for a bee box. A wood router is used to bore out grooves on white pine pieces to later insert plywood base board.

Styrofoam beehive bee box at beekeeper Fred Yarnell’s home. This particular box is in the Langstroth model, but the only wood components are the frames inside.

Beekeeper Fred Yarnell standing in the greenhouse attached to his home. Mr. Yarnell welcomed the Raíces Apiculture Initiative for a visit to his home and apiary and talked to us about his beekeeping experiences and equipment.

Stan explains how to charge the smoker with pine needles. He states the importance of not over smoking the bees in the hive.

S & F Honey Farm Apiculture presentation participant Enrique looks on as Stan pulls out a queen frame from a bee box that’s designed for the cultivation of queen bees.

Stan inspects a frame, he explains the difference between capped brood, untouched foundation and honey comb

Stan inspects a frame, he explains the difference between capped brood, untouched foundation and honey comb.

Stan holds up a bee frame from one of his hives and talks about the bee activity on the foundation of the frame.

Participants of the Raíces Apiculture Initiative field trip to S & F Honey Farm, Angela, Jen and Gabriel listen to Stan giving his presentation on apiculture.

On August 8, 2014, the Raíces Apiculture Initiative took a field trip to S & F Honey Farm in Hillsborough, NJ for a tour, presentation and questions and answer session with beekeeper Stan Wasitowski. Here, Raíces Co-Director Francisco G. Gómez is…

Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble performed bomba and plena and presented about the tradition of Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico, an Afropuertorican folkloric tradition. After the interactive performance, participants had the opportunity to dance and…

Students learning plena dance steps with los vejigantes de Puerto Rico during an interactive performance and presentation at Paul Robeson Community Theme School for the Arts.

As part of the 2009 Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico arts residency program, the Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble performed their vejigantes presentation at Paul Robeson Community Theme School for the Arts in New Brunswick, NJ. Students learned about…

Raícitas Youth Program participants who registered for full program cycles had the opportunity to rehearse and perform with the Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble at community events and presentations, as well as student performances during Raíces…

Raícitas Youth Program dance class held at the Hub City Teen Center in New Brunswick, NJ. Students pictured here are learning about picoteos, or piquetes, which are movements used in bomba dance to converse with the drum.

Family participants in the vejigantes Arts and Family Day event got to try the instruments of bomba and plena and learn how to play a simple bomba rhythm together.

Raíces Co-Director Francisco G. Gómez explaining the instruments used in the music of bomba and plena, which is the music most closely related to the tradition of the vejigantes.

At this Arts and Family Day event, participants got to learn about and meet los vejigantes de Puerto Rico in an interactive presentation and performance.

After learning about the history of the vejigantes, families who participated in this Arts and Family Day event worked together on vejigante based crafts.

After hearing stories about Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico and making their own vejigante masks, participants colored vejigante costumes and masks and later put their artwork on display at the Raíces studio.
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