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  • Tags: Brazil

Instrutora Cuica of Capoeira Mandinga demonstrates the agogô, in collaboration with Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, at the March 8, 2020 “Celebrating Women in World Music” event.

Hand frame drum used in capoeira and other Brazilian music forms. Pandeiros generally have a wooden rim with metal disks like a tambourine and a natural skin head.

Professora Amazonas begins making cords for GLDC’s annual batizado at least four months before the event. It is a long and tedious process to make the cords, not only because they represent hard work, dedication, responsibility, and community through…

Professora Amazonas (Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira) and Instrutora Cuica (Capoeira Mandinga) demonstrate the berimbau and the agogô, transitioning from the music of capoeira to samba.
Members of Grupo Senzala de Capoeira playing capoeira at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series, July 14, 2018.

About Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018.

Mestre Zumbi & Grupo Senzala de Capoeira presented and shared their knowledge of…
Maculelê is an Afro-Brazilian art form that is part of the practice of capoeira. Maculelê can be practiced with either machetes or sticks, which when struck together become a part of the rhythm and music.

Raíces Roots Music Concert Series…
Dance by Mestre Zumbi and Jean Vieux at the Raíces Music Concert Series 2018

Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018.

Mestre Zumbi & Grupo Senzala de Capoeira presented and shared their knowledge of Afro-Brazilian Capoeira at the Reformed Church…
Dance by Mestre Zumbi and Jean Vieux at the Raíces Music Concert Series 2018

Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018.

Mestre Zumbi & Grupo Senzala de Capoeira presented and shared their knowledge of Afro-Brazilian Capoeira at the Reformed Church…
Mestre Zumbi & Grupo Senzala de Capoeira presenting songs, instruments and movements of capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian art form and cultural tradition.

Raíces Roots Music Concert Series 2018.

Mestre Zumbi & Grupo Senzala de Capoeira presented and…

Mestre Zumbi of Capoeira Senzala giving thanks to the audience, organizers and fellow performers at their presentation at the Raíces Roots Music Concert Series July 2018 in Highland Park, NJ.

Making cords for the annual batizado is a long process. Professora Amazonas uses her ingenuity, adapting a power drill with a hook attachment to speed the process up.

One of the dance forms in the capoeira tradition is called Maculelê. Maculelê can be practiced with either machetes or sticks, which when struck together become a part of the rhythm and music.

Maculelê is an Afro-Brazilian art form that is part of the practice of capoeira. Maculelê can be practiced with either machetes or sticks, which when struck together become a part of the rhythm and music.

Professora Amazonas invites one of her students to play capoeira in the roda during Grupo Liberdade’s performance at the 53rd Annual Harvest Festival of African Culture Kwanzaa Celebration at the Montclair Public Library.

Instrutora Cuica of Capoeira Mandinga demonstrates the agogô, a set of bells used in the batería of capoeira and throughout the African diaspora at the March 8, 2020 “Celebrating Women in World Music” event.
Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira in the roda with her students celebrating Kwanzaa at the 53rd Annual Harvest Festival of African Culture.

Professora Amazonas moving through the roda during Grupo Liberdades performance at the 53rd Annual Harvest Festival of African Culture Kwanzaa Celebration help at the Montclair Public Library.

Capoeiristas from Grupo Senzala perform the Brazilian art of capoeira, sharing their traditions, culture and music with our community in Highland Park, NJ.

Mestre Zumbi of Capoeira Senzala talks about the history and culture of capoeira and related musical traditions.

The process of making cords needs at least two people and a lot of patience. Here, Abelha steps in to hold the cord in place while Professora Amazonas smooths out a bump in the twist.

Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira hand makes all cords given out at their annual batizado, the public ceremony, initiation and graduation for the group members.

Capoeira Senzala in a group photo with Raíces Cultural Center Co-founder and Archive Curator Nicole Wines after their performance at the 2018 Raíes Roots Music Concert Series.
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