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  • Tags: Loíza Aldea

Jeep with huge vejigante mask leads the procession on the day of Santiago apostol.

Two citizens of Loíza Aldea dressed as vejigantes and another dressed as one of the “caballeros.” The caballero is a popular figure during the festival of Santiago apostol.

Citizen of Loíza Aldea dressed as a “caballero” on the day of Santiago apostol. The caballero is a popular character seen during the festival of Santiago apostal.

Man dressed in unknown costume during the festival of Santiago apostol.

Artisan shop and exhibit center for the Ayala. The shop is decorated inside and out with vejigante masks and costumes, handcrafted by the Ayala family. Vejigante masks and costumes, as well as other handcrafted items can be purchased here.

Samuel Lind’s painting “Yuiza”, which is Lind’s interpretation of the legendary female Cacique of the area of modern day Loíza. More on the legend’s of Yuiza can be found on ""

Oversize paper-mache vejigante puppet on the streets of Loíza Aldea during the processionals for las fiestas de Santiago Apostol.

Raúl Ayala, artisan and bombero, playing the barriles de bomba during the fiestas de Santiago Apostól.

Immediately after the storm residents formed brigades to clear the road of debris, including fallen trees, vegetation and landslides. Much of this was piled along the sides of the roads. Upon arriving in Puerto Rico four months after the storm, most…

Gas station in Loíza Aldea that was destroyed by Hurricane Maria and has been closed since.

Bent, broken and leaning electric poles were a common sight in every part of the island, even four months after the storm. This went along with electric lines laying across roads and in piles along roadsides, and lines hanging just inches above the…

The powerful winds of Hurricane Maria brought down tens of thousands of electric poles, snapping and bending some completely in half.

Like many across the island, the roof of the home of the Ayalas in Loíza was ripped off during the storm. On our visit in January, there was still a blue tarp serving as a temporary roof as plans were continuing to be discussed and decided for the…

Vejigante masks made by the Ayalas remain on display in the home.

Raíces Director Francisco G. Gómez speaking with Raquel and Junito Ayala about the storm, the aftermath, and the recovery and rebuilding.

Sign for the Artesanías Castor Ayala in January 2018, 4 months after Hurricane María. Culture persists.

Hurricane María destroyed the Artesanías Castor Ayala, which served as both a cultural museum and preservation site and artisan shop for the Ayala family in Loíza Aldea. When Raíces visited in January 2018, the wood for the rebuilding the the…

The concrete slab foundation was all that remained of the Artesanía Castor Ayala after Hurricane María. The Artesanía, or artisan shop, was rebuilt in March 2018.

In the Batey de los Ayalas
Damaged structure in the yard of the Ayala home in Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico. These cutouts of bomber dancers remained undamaged by the storm. This is the yard where the bombazos take place during the Fiestas de Santiago Apostol each July.

These materials were all that remained of the structure of the Artesanías Castor Ayala in Loíza, Puerto Rico after Hurricane María destroyed the artisan shop and took the roof of the family home.

These bomba dancer cutouts were some of the cultural materials and artifacts saved and recovered after Hurricane María. Cultural roots and artistic expression were all strengthened on the island of Puerto Rico after Hurricane María. Drums, guitars,…

Destruction in the aftermath of Hurricane María.
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