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  • Collection: Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico

Citizens of Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico dressed as vejigantes marching in a parade on the day of Santiago apostol.

Oversize paper-mache vejigante puppet on the streets of Loíza Aldea during the processionals for las fiestas de Santiago Apostol.

Vejigante masks. The vejigante is a devil like character who is very mischievous, he is found in the Afro-Puerto Rican folklore of the island.

Three Vejigante masks. The vejigante is a devil like character who is very mischievous. He is found in the Afro-Puerto Rican folklore of the island.

Handmade and hand-painted paper-mache vejigante mask. There are two main types of vejigante masks found in Puerto Rico, those made from coconuts, more common to the Loíza area and those made of paper-mache, more common to Ponce and Mayaguez.

Black and white photo of vejigante dancing bomba at the Ayala family home on the day of Santiago apostol.

Vejigante doll made at C.O.P.I. (Corporación Piñones se Integra) C.O.P.I. is a 501 c 3 non profit organization founded by sociologist Maricruz Rivera Clemente.

Vejigante dressed in traditional costume with Puerto Rican flag on the front.

Vejigante, Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico on the day of Santiago apostol.

Young boy dressed as a vejigante. Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico on the day of Santiago apostol.

Vejigante, Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico on the day of Santiago apostol.

Vejigante, Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico on the day of Santiago apostol.

The Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble shares the music, song, dance, history and cultural traditions of the Caribbean throughout our community and beyond. Raíces Ensemble members perform the traditions of plena and los vejigantes de puerto rico with…

Bomba, like many genres from the Caribbean traditions, is participatory. It is a community based tradition, with no defined roles of performer and audience. When the Raíces ensemble performs bomba, they always include members of the audience so…

Traditionally, vejigantes carried inflated cow or goat bladders on the end of a stick and use it to tease, taunt and chase those participating in the celebrations, or las fiestas, especially children. Today a balloon or paper bag is what is commonly…

Performance by the Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble with Raícitas student performers. Sharing the tradition of Los Vejigantes de Puerto Rico with the students at the Greater Brunswick Charter School in New Brunswick. A vejigante is a clown-like…

Raícitas don’t just study the traditions of the Caribbean, they also share them with audiences in and around there community. These vejigantes are Raícitas student performers, sharing this cultural tradition from the Island of Puerto Rico with their…

Gabriela Pérez dancing bomba with Los Vejigantes.

Artisan shop and exhibit center for the Ayala. The shop is decorated inside and out with vejigante masks and costumes, handcrafted by the Ayala family. Vejigante masks and costumes, as well as other handcrafted items can be purchased here.

Citizens of Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico in a parade on the day of Santiago apostol.
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