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  • Tags: Vauxhall
Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira practicing the instruments, rhythms, and songs of capoeira. Humor and play are sprinkled throughout the classes, from the music to the physical training.

Professora Amazonas of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira teaching her adult capoeira class in Vauxhall, NJ.

Professora Amazonas students dancing maculélé, an Afro-Brazilian dance form. This movement in the dance is a collective tribute to the ancestors.

Professora Amazonas demonstrating and training with students in her adult capoeira classes.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira learning and studying the songs, rhythms, and music that are played in the batería in the capoeira roda.

Youth who participate in Professora Amazonas’ children's classes attend a monthly roda, often holiday inspired, like the annual Halloween roda.

Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira hand makes all cords given out at their annual batizado, the public ceremony, initiation and graduation for the group members.

Professora Amazonas spotting a young student in her children’s class on a handstand. Acrobratics is one facet of capoeira training and play.

Professora Amazonas assisting her student João Pequeno, in executing a specific form when practicing handstands.

Professora Amazonas leading class in warm ups and acrobatic exercises before training capoeira.

The process of making cords needs at least two people and a lot of patience. Here, Abelha steps in to hold the cord in place while Professora Amazonas smooths out a bump in the twist.

The end of each class in Professora Amazonas’ capoeira academy features a roda, where students play capoeira to practice the sequences and skills they learned throughout the class and trainings sessions.

Children who participate regularly as well as guests who are former students are all welcome in the roda.

João Pequeno, a member of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, singing in the batería during one of Professora Amazonas’ classes.

Students in Professora Amazonas’ academy practice pair work of attack and defense during class.

Student dancing with plastic machetes, practicing the Afro-Brazilian dance/combat form of maculélé

Student preparing to dance maculélé, an Afro-Brazilian dance form closely related to capoeira. The history maculélé is closely related to honoring the workers of the sugarcane plantations of Brazil, with the movements of the dance reflecting the…

Students in Professora Amazonas’ children’s class dancing maculélé, an Afro-Brazilian dance form closely related to capoeira.

Youth student of Professora Amazonas playing the agogô for students practicing maculélé.

Youth student of Professora Amazonas playing the drum patterns for students practicing the maculélé movements.

Similar to capoeira, maculélé is a martial arts and dance combination, which uses sticks and machetes to not only fight, but also keep the rhythm. Students in Professora Amazonas’ class use plastic machetes to learn, practice and play.
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