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  • Tags: Tobias Knight

Many hands make light work. With about a dozen service learning volunteers, the entire greenhouse can be weeded and watered in about 15 minutes.

St. Thomas University VISIONS program participant Tobias Knight participating in service learning at Plenitud PR’s permaculture farm.

Raíces Cultural Center Director Francisco G. Gómez talking to students on a service learning retreat at Plenitud PR in Las Marías.

Almost immediately after we arrived at Plenitud PR, Owen asked us to speak to students who were visiting on a service learning retreat from St. Tomas University in Minnesota.

Raíces director Francisco G. Gómez, program coordinator Nicole Wines and volunteer Christina Proxenos with the VISIONS group and some of the Plenitud PR crew during our visit in January 2018.

Hands-on experience is the best teacher when learning about organic agriculture, permaculture and agroecology. Some of the seedlings being planted on this slope will produce food, while others will set deep roots to preserve soil stability and…

St. Thomas University VISIONS program participant Tobias Knight preparing holes for transplanting seedlings into the steep slopes on a terraced planting area of Plenitud’s organic permaculture farm. Tilling would weaken the soil structure on this…

Tobias Knight, a visitor to Plenitud PR during a service learning exchange with St. Thomas University’s VISIONS program. This is the first time Tobias saw or tried eating a starfruit.
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