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  • Tags: Loíza Aldea

Prototype of Samuel Lind’s Sculpture Osaín. Raíces crew members and students had seen the Osaín sculpture at Bomplenzo 2008 at Hostos College in the Bronx, NY.

Crews of workers clearing piles of vegetative debris left along roadsides after residents, work crews and brigades of volunteers and community members cleared the roads after Hurricanes Irma and María. There remain questions about what was done with…

Artist Samuel Lind displaying a screen printed poster from the annual Fiestas de Santiago Apostol.

Puerto Rican artist Samuel Lind’s studio has been powered by generator since it lost power in Hurricane Irene. His studio was lucky not to have received much damage in Hurricane María, which was the second hurricane to hit the island in the 2017…

Raúl Ayala, artisan and bombero, playing the barriles de bomba during the fiestas de Santiago Apostól.

Immediately after the storm, residents throughout the island formed volunteer crews and work brigades throughout the island which cleared roads in the post-María relief and recover efforts. These roads were cleared, with the vegetative debris piled…

These materials were all that remained of the structure of the Artesanías Castor Ayala in Loíza, Puerto Rico after Hurricane María destroyed the artisan shop and took the roof of the family home.

Samuel Lind showed the Raíces crew several of with his screenprinted posters, including this one for local bomba group, Majestad Negra.

Samuel Lind’s painting “Yuiza”, which is Lind’s interpretation of the legendary female Cacique of the area of modern day Loíza. More on the legend’s of Yuiza can be found on ""

Sign for the Artesanías Castor Ayala in January 2018, 4 months after Hurricane María. Culture persists.

Sculpture of a woman dancing bomba overlooking a working station in artist Samuel Lind’s home art studio in Loíza Aldea.

Raíces Director Francisco G. Gómez speaking with Raquel and Junito Ayala about the storm, the aftermath, and the recovery and rebuilding.

Trees along the road leaving Loíza up into Carolina and Río Grande that were damaged during Hurricane Loíza. Landscapes, forests and jungles were left bare and brown by the storm and its aftermath. At the time of the Raíces Disaster Relief Support…

Vejigante masks made by the Ayalas remain on display in the home.

Performing the tradition of "los vejigantes de Puerto Rico" with the delegation from Loíza at the 5th Encuentro de Tambores in Juncos, Puerto Rico.

Jeep with huge vejigante mask leads the procession on the day of Santiago apostol.

Vejigante painting on display in the home studio of Puerto Rican Artist Samuel Lind.

Oversize paper-mache vejigante puppet on the streets of Loíza Aldea during the processionals for las fiestas de Santiago Apostol.
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