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Professora Amazonas begins making cords for GLDC’s annual batizado at least four months before the event. It is a long and tedious process to make the cords, not only because they represent hard work, dedication, responsibility, and community through…

Professora Amazonas and her student, Abelha, are working together to make cords for the 2020 Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira batizado.

The process of making cords is similar to the process of making twisted lanyard friendship bracelets, but on a much larger scale. It is always a happy moment when a cord comes out with a perfect twist.

Making cords for the annual batizado is a long process. Professora Amazonas uses her ingenuity, adapting a power drill with a hook attachment to speed the process up.

Every year, months before Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira’s annual batizado, Professora Amazonas starts hand making cords, with help from other members of the group.

The "playing" continues beyond the roda. In every group photo taken of GLDC, members make sure too always take one "funny face" photo.

After every demonstration, performance, and community event the members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, along with some of the participants of the events, capture the moment with a family photo.

The berimbau is the leader of the roda, setting the rules of the game, and the atabaque provides the pulse or the heartbeat.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira provide ambiance and energy in the roda by leading the rhythms and songs.

Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira engages the community in the art of capoeira, getting the audience out of their seat to participate, learn and play.

One of the newest members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira, Goku is working toward his first cord. He was invited to participate in the Tuscan School Culture Night performance, demonstrating what he has learned to the public with confidence and…

Professora Amazonas playing the berimbau and leading the roda. The berimbau's rhythms are what set the rules of the game.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira play capoeira in the roda, demonstrating kicks and defensive movements.

Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira sharing art and culture with the community. Members of GLDC often participate in community events at schools, libraries and other community organizations to share, demonstrate, and play capoeira.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira playing in the roda. Multi-level students work together cooperatively to demonstrate their art to members of the community.

Members of Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira demonstrating their art to members of the community for Culture Night at Tuscan Elementary School in Maplewood, NJ.
Students break into partner training during the 2019 Halloween roda with Professora Amazonas & Grupo Liberdade de Capoeira.

Eleguá is known as a trickster and his dance represents this quality. Raíces Folkloric Ensemble dancer Nicole Wines interacts with the audience, offering her stick and quickly pulling it away with a laugh.

Raíces Folkloric Ensemble member Nicole Wines performing an Eleguá dance during the ensemble's presentation of "Tale of Two Waters".

Raíces Director and co-founder Francisco G. Gómez gives a historical perspective on the Orishas and Cuban music, between songs in the Raíces Folkloric Ensemble presentation of "Tale of Two Waters".

Eleguá is known for his childlike nature, which explains his love for candy and for playing tricks. Raíces Folkloric Ensemble member Nicole Wines hands out candy as Eleguá during the presentation of "Tale of Two Waters".

Nicole Wines performs a representation of Eleguá at the Elizabeth Public Library with the Raíces Folkloric Ensemble.
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